20 February 2007

Mardi Gras on the Cote d'Azur

Mardi Gras in Nice was such fun! Confetti...silly string wars...goofy hats...loud music...weird and wild floats...it was something. Mike, Nathan and Celia got into a silly string fight with a family behind and in front of us as well as one two rows down and to the left. It was mayhem. We were covered with confetti and silly string by the end. The theme of this year's parade was the 2007 French election and the upcoming rugby world cup...so Sego and Sarko and Chirac were shown in irreverent and sporty costumes and poses. We felt pretty up on French politics as we were able to identify most of the caricatures...The gentleman sitting next to me kept asking who everyone was supposed to be. The only one we did not recognize was Arlette. But as we were walking around the city, we came upon a poster with her picture on it...it turns out she is a communist party politician and perennial candidate for president. You learn new things every day here!

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