In celebration of our 19 years, we decided to indulge ourselves at Le Jardin des Sens in Montpellier. This starred restaurant did not fail to please and over-satiate our appetites!!
Our mouths were more than amused by the four amuse-bouches that were served with our rosé champagne in the garden area. Nibbles of parmesan shortbreads, chèvre filled choux, cubes of foie gras dipped in crème fraiche and a verrine of something pink, cool and delicious with a caviar on top.
The dining room was a large sloped three tiered glass enclosed garden room with an entrance down the center. You felt as if all eyes were suddenly on you as you made your way down the catwalk. Black jacketed servers flowed effortlessly through the room as if choreographed. Hands were never empty. Eyes searching for the empty glass.
The plates glided on and off our table magically and the hours passed in slow motion through a fog of perfectly arranged masterpieces. The amount of courses became completely comical with the three courses of desserts. When the server brought us empty plates, our faces must have registered disbelief at the possibility of more food. She laughed before reassuring us that they were merely for the coffee service and no more food would be coming our way.
The creativity and ingenuity of the chefs continue to astound us. Le filet de turbot rôti, lasagne de calamar façon « gardianne »au caviar d’aubergine, fricassée de mousserons de pays dans leur jus was our favorite course and the incredible number of different flavors that exploded in our mouths from this small but exquisitely prepared dish amazed us. To imagine the attention to the subtile tastes and smells and textures and colors of food that it takes to produce such works of art astounds me!
Le filet de turbot rôti, lasagne de calamar façon « gardianne »
au caviar d’aubergine, fricassée de mousserons de pays dans leur jus.
Les filets de pigeon rôtis sur l’os, sa cuisse en ballottine glacée au banyuls,
Les filets de pigeon rôtis sur l’os, sa cuisse en ballottine glacée au banyuls,
compote de pommes à la vanille, poêlée de champignons, jus façon « bécasse ».
La sélection de fromages affinés.
Le pre-dessert
Gourmandises et petits fours.
La sélection de fromages affinés.
Le pre-dessert
Gourmandises et petits fours.
crème légère aux fruits de la passion et son sorbet mousseux.
Et finalement.....
Et finalement.....
This reminds me of the lovely lunch we had in Antibes. Congrats on 19 years!