We found this tiny hazelnut oil store tucked into one of the corners of Conques. The nutty smell of the delicious oil was irresistible! It makes a killer vinaigrette!!
The ironwork in the church was so beautiful and amazing! You feel the workers' fingerprints on the obvious handmade elements from the Romanesque period. It never fails to give me chills thinking that these elements were made a thousand years ago and are so perfectly still here. What do we create today that could stand such a test of time??!!
"One of the major monuments of architectural and cultural heritage that line the route to Santiago de Compostela, Conques abbey-church prides itself on sheltering under its vaults, a unique treasure of Romanesque sculpture and artefacts. Among these are the tympanum of the Last Judgment and figurative capitals, all magnified by Pierre Soulages’ stained glass windows. The gilded or plated reliquaries of the Treasure, embellished with ancient enamels, cameos, intaglios and precious stones are exquisite examples of medieval craftsmanship. The precious treasure, assembled and preserved through the ages, nestles around the monastery within an environment of great beauty that is today recognized in the selective list of The most Beautiful Villages of France" Conques tourism site
Tourisme - Conques