The first time I came to Paris as an adult, I carried with me a small clipping from Bon Appétit Magazine extolling the wonderments to be found at E. Dehillerin. My first purchases were some small copper sauté pans and a stock pot. After almost 10 years they are still my favorites. Almost every trip to Paris includes a pilgrimage to the motherland! Just to wander into the belly of the store and look at the outrageously huge pots and pans and all of the little tools for every job conceivable in the kitchen. This last visit to Paris in January I indulged myself with a beautifully shiny copper egg white bowl. I have been drooling over this little beauty for almost a year. Each time I whipped egg whites, I thought to myself just how much better the task would be if I had that pinky copper bowl. Et voilà...it is now mine!
18 et 20, rue Coquillière - 51, rue Jean- Jacques Rousseau - 75001 PARIS
Tél. : 01 42 36 53 13 - Fax : 01 42 36 54 80
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Ouvert le lundi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h et du mardi au samedi de 9h à 18h. Fermé le dimanche et les jours feriés.